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The Importance of Pressing Tools in Sewing

by Finery Embroidery 12 Jan 2024 0 Comments

Pressing is a step often overlooked in sewing projects, but it plays a crucial role in achieving a finely finished product. Take the time to press when your instructions recommend it – pressing on the wrong side of the fabric using a pressing cloth can make a significant difference.

pressing tools
  1. Utilize a narrow sleeve board, a compact version of an ironing board designed for pressing small areas or seams in narrow spaces.
  2. Employ a full-size ironing board as a safe surface for ironing fabric. Keep the cover clean to avoid transferring sticky residues or marks onto your fabric.
  3. Use the curved end of a small wooden point turner for finger pressing. Firmly press and slide the curved end along the fabric fold to create a crisp crease or line.
  4. Opt for a rolled towel to press curved seams or sleeve seams open without creasing the fabric. While similar to a tailor’s ham or seam roll, a rolled towel is a cost-effective alternative for beginning sewers.
  5. Include a pressing cloth, a thin piece of cotton fabric, between the iron and the main fabric to protect both the iron's surface from sticky residues and the fabric from iron shine.
  6. Invest in a steam iron as the most essential tool for pressing. Choose a high-quality iron with a wide range of temperatures and the ability to press with or without the steam function. Unless otherwise stated in the sewing instructions, use a steam iron for pressing.

Remember, a rolled towel can effectively replace specialized tools like a tailor’s ham or seam roll for pressing curved seams or sleeve seams without creasing the fabric.

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